Our Services

  • Osteopathy

    What is Osteopathy? Osteopaths focuses on a whole body approach to patient care.

  • Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)

    The SFMA is a comprehensive movement assessment used to help diagnose the cause of your pain.

  • Joint Manipulation (HVLA)

    Often referred to as an ‘adjustment’ . A safe and effective intervention for the right patient. It is also sometimes misunderstood.

  • Dry Needling by Osteopath in Varsity Lakes

    Dry Needling

    A fast and effective treatment that quickly relieve pain and enhance recovery.

  • Functional & Lifestyle Medicine

    A comprehensive approach to prevention, health & well being.

  • Exercise Rehabilitation

    Exercise is medicine, therapeutic exercise plays a key role decreasing pain and improving function across a number of musculoskeletal disorders.

  • Rocktape / Kinesiotape

    A unique tool that can play a role in mitigating pain, improving proprioception, improving performance, and optimizing the recovery process.

  • Falls Prevention Program

    An assessment and customised treatment program to maintain strength and agility as you age.

Osteopathy appointment in Varsity Lakes Clinic discussing Low Back Pain Treatment

What to expect from your appointment.

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