Falls Prevention Assessment.

An assessment and customised treatment program to maintain strength and agility as you age.

The bad news, in an average year, nearly 40% of people over the age of 70 fall at least once, 1 in 5 of these falls will result in serious injury. Nearly 25% that fracture their hip will be dead in one year and 50% will never return to their prior level of function.

The good news, is that there is a growing body of evidence that the risk of falls can be greatly reduced with targeted exercise interventions. The majority of falls can attributed to age related declines in strength, balance, flexibility and structural variations in foot anatomy.

The Fall prevention protocol:

  • A series of 14 evidence-based tests used to identify your specific risk factors.

  • A targeted, customised program will be design based on the specific deficiencies identified through testing.

  • Recommended for those over 70, but ideally would you be starting at 55.

  • Improve strength, agility, mobility and balance as you age.

To book in for Falls Prevention Assessment please follow the link below.

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