What to expect from your appointment.

Prior to your first appointment.

Shortly after booking your first appointment, you will be sent an intake questionnaire via email. This can be filled out online and is required to be completed prior to your consultation.

Your first appointment.

Your first appointment will last up to 60 minutes. Your practitioner will take a detailed history of your complaint, and may need to clarify information from your intake questionnaire.. Be prepared to answer a series of questions about the nature of your injury, followed by an in-depth physical assessment.

The physical examination.

Your practitioner may then carry out a detailed physical assessment, including examination of your posture, range of movement and strength as well as determining the health of your joints, muscles and ligaments.

Clinical tests such as neurological and orthopaedic testing may be undertaken to determine the possible causes of your symptoms and help guide us towards the best treatment approach.

Our clinic takes a whole-body, functional approach so your practitioner may also examine areas of your body away from the location of your pain.

Depending on where your injury or pain is, it may be recommended to remove some outer clothing for the examination. Patient privacy will always be respected during this process. Be sure to wear comfortable, flexible, and appropriate clothing and underwear to your appointment.


After your physical examination your practitioner will explain their findings, what they think the problem is and what may be causing it. They will discuss their suggested treatment plan and the prognosis.


Depending on the diagnosis, treatment may include:

Manual Therapy:

  • Soft Tissue work.

  • Dry Needling.

  • Joint Manipulation / Mobilisation.

  • Rocktape.


  • Mobility work.

  • Stability drills.

  • Capacity / strength training.


  • Lifestyle advice.

  • Ergonomic recommendations.

  • Postural cues.

How many treatments will I need?

Treatment plans can be anywhere from 3-5 visits depending on the condition. Your practitioner will discuss with you their recommend management approach for your individual circumstances.


If you are unsure about anything or have any questions at any time during the consultation, please let your practitioner know and they will do their best to clarify your concerns.


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