Our Practioners

Jake Martin (Osteopath)

Originally from the UK, Jake completed his studies in Osteopathy at Southern Cross University on the Gold Coast. Jake is extremely passionate about healthcare and goes above and beyond to help his patients get out of pain and achieve their goals.

Jake has travelled throughout Australia to attend continuing education courses and is committed to staying up to date with advances in musculoskeletal healthcare.

When not at work you’ll find Jake at the at the gym, at the farmers markets or enjoying good coffee. Jake is avid fan of boxing, MMA and football (soccer).

Jake believes in comprehensive history taking and assessment in order to achieve the most effective results in treatment. He combines a hands-on approach (joint manipulation/mobilisation, soft tissue techniques) with exercise therapy for the treatment of a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions.

Jake has completed post graduate training in:

  • Functional Assessment
    (SFMA Level 1 & 2)

  • Dry Needling (GeMT Level 1)

  • Taping, IASMT, Dynamic Cupping (Rocktape)

  • Mckenzie Institute - Part A (Lumbar Spine)

  • Clinical Approaches to Temporomandibular Disorder (Carrick Institute)

  • Dynamic Neuromuscular Stablisation (DNS) - A Course

  • Functional Medicine (IFM - AFMCP)

  • FIFA Diploma in Football Medicine

  • Clinical Neurodynamics - Upper & Lower Quarter (NDS - Level 1)

  • Dermal Traction Method (Neurocentric Approach)

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