Ankle Sprain Foot Pain Varsity Lakes

Ankle & Foot Pain.

One of the most common injuries is the ankle sprain. Because of its prevalence, it is often ignored. However, if not rehabbed appropriately there may be a high chance of reoccurrence, or issues developing further up the chain.

The foot is made up 26 bone, 33 joints and 100’s of ligaments and muscles. 25% of all the bones in the human body are in your feet. 75% of the population will experience foot pain in their lifetime.

Conditions causing ankle and foot pain include:

  • Ankle Sprain

  • Calf Strain

  • Achilles Tendinopathies.

  • Hallax Valgus (Bunions)

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Stress Fractures

  • Nerve Compression

  • Neuroma’s

How does Solution Health & Rehab. treat ankle & foot pain?

We offer a comprehensive examination to find the root cause of your ankle or foot pain. Our team are trained in various assessment systems such as SFMA, McKenzie, Neurodynamics and DNS. Our aim is to identify the source of your pain and the functional limitations that may have caused the problem. We then offer a tailored treatment plan to provide pain relief in the short term and rehabilitation strategies for a long term solution.

To learn more about the assessment and treatment approaches we offer, view Our Services.

Follow the link below to book an initial consultation and begin the process to finding solutions to your ankle or pain.

The source of ankle or foot pain on rare occasion can be something more serious, if you’re experiencing unremitting night pain, severe swelling, temperature changes, difficulty weight bearing or have had a recent trauma, please seek the appropriate medical advice straight away.

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